I had a dream that I had an instructor which was teaching me how to use a gun and she asked me around two questions and I answered them incorrectly to which i got upset afterwards and went to my room (my room in the dream wasn’t actually my current room but my room when I was a child ) there is a space between two bed in that room which I got within and started imagining things while the instructor came in and waited for me (it was implied that she waited for hours ) while imagining those things I was eating sweet gums , those imaginations consisted of gay men being intimate and me being with a women (lesbian sex was mentioned along with the implications of lesbians having long intercourse ) afterwards suddenly i thought of the amount of calories in those gums then i stopped and spit the rest of the gums after that the instructed approached the space between the beds and talked to someone i don't know and mocked my "other character she thought that wasn't me but my other character and she even named it but i don't remember the name when she was done takis chips fell into the space in between while i was on the bed that used to be mine , the instructor tried to be nice and give it to me but i saw the reflections on the mirror in that room as if she is pointing a gun at me then i got scared and pointed while screaming then the whole area got red foggy and we all started screaming while i called for my mum by "mama" i don't usually refer to her like that but she so called the same them i went running and opened the door but the instructor told me that i am gonna allow it outside if i open the door but i didn't care and said something to imply that while running downstairs our downstairs look different they looked fancier and more complicated like they were do many stairs , i was running through them trying to reach to my mum at the end before i woke up the stairs kind of looked locked up and i was desperately trying to reach her to the point i was about to jump
This dream could be a reflection of internal conflicts and challenges you are facing in your waking life. The instructor representing authority or guidance, suggests that you are feeling pressure to perform or meet certain expectations. Answering the questions incorrectly could symbolize feelings of inadequacy or failure, leading to frustration and seeking a sense of escape in your childhood room.
Eating sweets gums and having imaginative scenarios of intimacy with different genders may represent a search for comfort and exploration of different aspects of yourself. The calorie count and spitting out the gum could symbolize a sense of guilt or concern about indulging in certain behaviors.
The instructor mocking your "other character" and the gun imagery could indicate a fear of judgment or confrontation with aspects of yourself that you may feel ashamed of or are trying to suppress. The red fog and screaming may represent a sense of chaos or inner turmoil.
Calling out for your mother, who is your source of comfort and security, suggests a need for support and guidance in navigating these challenges. The fancier and more complicated downstairs may symbolize feeling overwhelmed or lost in your current surroundings.
The locked stairs and desperation to reach your mother before waking up can signify obstacles or barriers in finding resolution or seeking help in your waking life. Overall, this dream could be urging you to address inner conflicts, seek support, and confront fears or challenges to find peace and resolution.